Tiedeman Avenue Multimodal Study

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The Tiedeman Avenue Multimodal Study aims to improve the safety, walkability, and connectivity on Tiedeman Avenue from Greenburg Road to Walnut Street, and the surrounding area.

We want to know what transportation improvements would help get you where you need to go, whether walking, bicycling, riding transit or driving.

This study will be guided by community input and will be guided by Tigard’s Strategic Plan and Complete Streets policy, each aimed at supporting equitable access for road users of all ages and abilities. We want to hear from you!

The Tiedeman Avenue Multimodal Study aims to improve the safety, walkability, and connectivity on Tiedeman Avenue from Greenburg Road to Walnut Street, and the surrounding area.

We want to know what transportation improvements would help get you where you need to go, whether walking, bicycling, riding transit or driving.

This study will be guided by community input and will be guided by Tigard’s Strategic Plan and Complete Streets policy, each aimed at supporting equitable access for road users of all ages and abilities. We want to hear from you!

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    What should Tiedeman Avenue Look Like?

    The City’s Transportation System Plan envisions Tiedeman Avenue as a complete street, maintaining one lane for cars in each direction, but adding sidewalks and bike facilities where gaps exist today.  Tiedeman Avenue provides access to Fowler Middle School, the Fanno Creek Trail, Dirksen Nature Park, and Woodward Park. Most of Tiedeman Avenue has approximately 55 feet of right-of-way (ROW) to plan for future improvements. 

    The wide range of ages and travel purposes of people walking and biking in this corridor mean there are a range of potential roadway cross-sections for Tiedeman Avenue. Five options are being considered that generally fit within the available right-of-way. Each option provides pedestrian and biking facilities, but the type of facility (such as sidewalk, bike lanes, or multi-use path) varies and if both sides of the street are the same. Please review the options being considered and answer a few questions to help us understand what would make you or your family most likely to walk or bike on Tiedeman Avenue.

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Page last updated: 04 Apr 2023, 01:09 PM