What is a Transportation System Plan?
Prioritizing Community Values:
What are the community’s transportation goals and priorities? How can we integrate travel options into existing neighborhoods and new development in the future? These values will help evaluate and prioritize transportation projects both now and in the future.
Snapshot in Time:
This project looks at our existing transportation system and identifies deficiencies, needs, and opportunities. Does our transportation infrastructure and system meet the needs of our city today? Help us identify the broad range of needs in your neighborhood, specific geographic areas around the city, and connections to neighboring cities. We will use your input to better understand the system as it stands today.
Planning for the Future:
What do we want our road and trail networks to look like in the future? How does technology, climate change, and economic development impact these goals? How should we spend our limited transportation dollars? Projects and programs identified in the TSP will be prioritized for completion over the short, medium, and long-term.
Consultation has concluded. Please visit www.tigard-or.gov/tsp to view the updated Plan.