Segment C: Durham Road

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Route Description

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This trail segment is a continuation of option 4 or 5 described above in Segment B.

4: This alignment option follows SW 76th Avenue within the public right-of-way as shown to SW Durham Road. This trail segment along the north side of the street is a multi-use trail within the SW Durham Road public right-of-way as shown to the intersection at SW 79th Avenue where it crosses at the existing traffic signal.

5. This trail alignment option is within the creek corridor and located on the east side of the creek to not impact the higher quality wetlands, vegetation, and large trees that are on the west side of the creek. The trail crosses under the Durham Road bridge over Fanno Creek and gently climbs up to the SW Durham Road public right-of-way where it would become a multi-use trail on the south side of the roadway until reaching SW 85thth Avenue.

West of options 4 and 5, the trail follows Durham Road along the south side of the street on a separated multi-use path as shown. As the trail approaches the intersection of SW 85th Avenue it meanders into the open space at the Clean Water Services treatment plant administrative building to offer more separation between the path and road.

Alternatives Analysis

Click to view the alternatives analysis for options 4 and 5(External link).

>> Click for Next: 85th Avenue Segment

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