Complete Streets

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Tigard City Council unanimously approved Resolution No. 19-21, Adopting the Complete Streets Policy on June 11, 2019.

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Envision Tigard as a vibrant and healthy community where people of all ages and abilities can travel safely, efficiently and comfortably on a well-connected and optimized multi-modal network of roads, trails, and paths.

What are “Complete Streets?”
A street is considered complete if it provides the design and infrastructure elements required to serve each mode of travel whether on foot, by bicycle, on transit, or in an automobile. This does not necessarily mean a sidewalk and bike lane on every street though – individual street context is important and the policy will allow for a range of designs that provide safe streets for all users.

Tigard’s Complete Streets Policy will:

  • Formalize Tigard’s commitment to designing, building, and maintaining a transportation network and facilities functional for all road users of all ages and abilities regardless of method of travel,
  • Provide needed transportation policy guidance to bridge the gap between Tigard’s current auto-oriented urban form and the vision laid out in Tigard’s Strategic Plan, and
  • Identify goals and priority actions as part of the Tigard Complete Streets Implementation Plan.

Why is a Complete Streets Policy important for Tigard?
Complete Streets policies help to ensure equitable outcomes for all road users, including our most vulnerable. Regardless of age or ability, people are provided with the facilities and tools they need to safely navigate city streets, sidewalks, and off-street paths and trails.

How can you help? Take the following surveys below:

  • What Performance Measures are most important to you?
  • Help us prioritize Implementation Activities by taking the survey below.

Envision Tigard as a vibrant and healthy community where people of all ages and abilities can travel safely, efficiently and comfortably on a well-connected and optimized multi-modal network of roads, trails, and paths.

What are “Complete Streets?”
A street is considered complete if it provides the design and infrastructure elements required to serve each mode of travel whether on foot, by bicycle, on transit, or in an automobile. This does not necessarily mean a sidewalk and bike lane on every street though – individual street context is important and the policy will allow for a range of designs that provide safe streets for all users.

Tigard’s Complete Streets Policy will:

  • Formalize Tigard’s commitment to designing, building, and maintaining a transportation network and facilities functional for all road users of all ages and abilities regardless of method of travel,
  • Provide needed transportation policy guidance to bridge the gap between Tigard’s current auto-oriented urban form and the vision laid out in Tigard’s Strategic Plan, and
  • Identify goals and priority actions as part of the Tigard Complete Streets Implementation Plan.

Why is a Complete Streets Policy important for Tigard?
Complete Streets policies help to ensure equitable outcomes for all road users, including our most vulnerable. Regardless of age or ability, people are provided with the facilities and tools they need to safely navigate city streets, sidewalks, and off-street paths and trails.

How can you help? Take the following surveys below:

  • What Performance Measures are most important to you?
  • Help us prioritize Implementation Activities by taking the survey below.

Tigard City Council unanimously approved Resolution No. 19-21, Adopting the Complete Streets Policy on June 11, 2019.

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  • Calles Completas

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    Visión de la Política de Calles Completas

    "Como nos imaginamos al sistema de transporte de Tigard 20 años en el futuro?”

    La Política de Calles Completas imagina a Tigard como una comunidad vibrante y saludable donde personas de todas las edades y habilidades pueden viajar con seguridad, eficiencia y comodidad en una red multimodal bien conectada y optimizada con calles, caminos, senderos.

    La Política de Calles Completas logrará:

    • Formalizar el compromiso de Tigard alcance, diseño, construcción y mantenimiento de instalaciones de transporte y red para servir a todos los modos de viaje y los usuarios y habilidades,
    • Proporcionar orientación de política de transporte necesaria para cerrar la brecha entre la forma urbana orientada al auto actual de Tigard y la visión establecidas en Plan estratégico de Tigard, y
    • Identificación de objetivos y acciones prioritarias como parte del Plan de Implementación de Calles Completas en Tigard.

    ¿Qué significa “Calles completas”?

    Sencillamente, una calle es completa si proporciona los elementos de diseño y la infraestructura necesaria para servir a cada modo de viaje a pie, en bicicleta, en tránsito o en un automóvil. Con bases en el concepto de equidad, la política de calles completas ayuda a asegurar que todos los usuarios de la carretera, incluyendo nuestros más vulnerables, cuenten con las facilidades y herramientas que necesitan para navegar con seguridad por calles, aceras y caminos fuera de la calle. Esto no significa necesariamente un carril para bicicletas o acera en todas las calles, aunque – el contexto de cada calle es importante y la política permitirá una gama de diseños que ofrecen calles seguras para todos los usuarios.