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Vaughan Computer Networking

Henry “Hank” Vaughan (pictured) started Vaughan Computer Networking out of necessity. Let go from his job at a large firm, Hank decided to open his own company with the niche of maintaining computer systems exclusively for dental offices. This includes specialized digital imaging and x-ray equipment that dental offices rely on to diagnose patients.

Starting out with four clients Hank knew from his previous job, Vaughan Computer Networking has grown by word of mouth since opening in 2003. “Most of my customers have been with me almost two decades,” Hank says. “At one point we had 150 clients in three states. Now it’s down to around 20 dedicated customers who depend on me to maintain systems in their dental practices 24/7 year-round.”

With so many clients to assist, there’s never a dull moment in Hank’s day. “I love the diversity of the work. It keeps me sharp every day,” Hank says. “I can have no phone calls one day then the next a server goes down, halting production for an entire office. The doctors tend to get anxious when that happens, but I am always ready to take on whatever they throw at me.”

Outside of work, Hank is passionate about helping America’s veterans (he is a veteran himself) and volunteers on the board of directors for the non-profit Salute to Veterans Car & Motorcycle Show. Last year’s event raised $30,000 to support local veterans’ programs, including Oregon Paralyzed Veterans of America and the Salvation Army Veterans & Family Center. Hank and his family are also passionate about their Tigard roots. "We raised our children in Tigard, from Kindergarten to elementary to middle school and, of course, we’re all Tigard Tigers here," said Hank. " Even with college and beyond, we are still here in Tigard. We would never leave.”

The COVID-19 crisis has caused dental offices to greatly curtail their services, throwing Hank’s business into disarray. Being a resourceful business owner, Hank has pivoted his services to keep his clients up and running, offering discounted remote services and devising methods to allow his clients to service their own equipment while in the office. Even with new processes in place, business has come to a standstill. “Our monthly income went from a comfortable work week that more than paid the bills and had us planning retirement to an income of zero dollars since March 15th,” Hanks said.

Vaughan Computer Programming was awarded a $1,500 Tigard CARES grant to assist with immediate operating expenses. “I received personal attention from the City of Tigard when I needed it the most,” said Hank. “The City of Tigard is the only one so far that has provided help for me. I’ve been in business in Tigard since 2003 and wouldn’t go anywhere else. The grant funding definitely saved my business when this all started, so many thanks!”

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